I have a really good nose! Sure, there's various dead-animal location technology, such as FLIR heat-detection devices that can detect decaying bodies (which are warmer) or corpse-sniffing dogs, but these things aren't always helpful.
A lot of animals die in attics, where a dog doesn't help, or ductwork or other places where you can't see heat. The best technology is my nose and my experience! My nose is so good that I can usually detect the species of animal just
by the smell! I know animal behavior and architecture so well that I have an excellent instinct about where the carcass lies.
Handling dead animals can be a complicated matter; every city carries a different regulation when dealing with the carcass. Our people are well aware of all the existing policies and rules, such as the location and the depth of the grave. Some states forbid burial, so we will perform incineration or cremation. Our methods are designed to avoid the contamination of the ground or water sources. Moreover, after removing the dead animal, we will make sure that the same situation will not happen again. We will be sealing all cracks and holes with caulks, fixing or replacing your broken screens and windows, installing a chimney cap, and trimming the low-lying branches that the animals can use as a bridge to access your house. We will make sure that the area will be free from clutter and debris. We will be using a cleaning solution that will eliminate the microorganisms and parasites they left behind. Call us today, and you will directly speak with our customer representative. We provide same-day jobs and emergency services. We understand how important it is to remove the carcass immediately from your home and neutralize the pungent smell. We are available even off-business hours, weekends, and national holidays.